Down the Hatch - Chapter 4: 159

Will Mort be moved by tears? We shall see.

astracf Avatar
astracf - 4 years ago
Maybe Mort should just eat him again to keep him quiet until he's devoured all the sacrifices at the festival?

Cowlogslover47 Avatar
Cowlogslover47 - 4 years ago
No mort should be moved by the tears and feel bad that Noah is really trying here and honestly wanting to get Mort his amulet 🧿

Yuu Avatar
Yuu - 4 years ago
Why mort should be moved by tears? He is a large predator, all his preys cries begging for their life. And Noah is a prey that attempted to kill him. Mort doesnt trust him.

Srztanjur Avatar
Srztanjur - 4 years ago
It's not clear, by any stretch, that animals like deer, elk, etc. aren't extraordinarily sophisticated in their inner lives. But what is clear is that humans definitely are. Mort makes a conscious choice to eat prey he knows can suffer not just physically, but also psychologically and emotionally. He's no saint : P

D-Rock Avatar
D-Rock - 4 years ago
I highly doubt we’re meant to root for Mort right now. Everything about him that we’ve been shown here is that he’s a prick. Maybe down the line we’re supposed to feel for him, judging by the flashback we got earlier. All we know is that Mort has MAJOR issues, but only time will tell if he’ll become a better person. For now, we’re feeling remorse for Noah.

Srztanjur Avatar
Srztanjur - 4 years ago
So we agree

archteryx Avatar
archteryx - 4 years ago
Exactly. Mort is a sadistic monster with zero redeeming qualities. The next couple of pages prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt. There's a glimpse of WHY he became a sadistic monster, but right now, he's got only one thing going for him: He can be reasoned with. Sort of. What he does to the sacrifices is no better than what he does to Noah. But he doesn't just burn villages down for the fun of it like certain other IFDs. So there's a glimpse at redeemability. But just a glimpse so far.

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