CreatureXXII - 4 years ago
Noah, you better hope and pray that the village is occupied, or else you're gonna get eaten. But then again it seems like Mort is going to eat you regardless.
Cowlogslover47 - 4 years ago
You guys are mean that kid has had so much shit happen to him and he should be given multiple chance from mort plus mort should see that Noah is really trying to get it for him and trying to help him obtain the a amulet
Sixberry - 4 years ago
My guy, not everything is perfect. Predators aren't always caring, cooing balls of fur you know, some are just hungry, and don't give a damn about their prey.
Mike_who_knows - 4 years ago
Calm down l think he was talking about the other people absolutely roasting noah
Nomnom - 9 months ago
Nah he’s fucking dumb nah
Nomnom - 9 months ago
Nah he’s fucking dumb
Kasra - 4 years ago
Kadaire - 4 years ago