Down the Hatch - Chapter 5: 170

Noaahhhhh what did you doooo???

Kasra Avatar
Kasra - 4 years ago
...The heck DID he do? Put a soul beyond the reach of some sort of immortality deity?! Noah what the heck dude! Though in all honesty if I had to guess I'd say it's about his sister, especially with that "if I don't find her before the moon" thing from a couple pages ago. I'm guessing whatever trouble she's in is both supernatural and entirely Noah's fault. Because really, if ANYbody was going to screw up that badly, wouldn't it be Noah?

Marshall ALFOST Avatar
Marshall ALFOST - 4 years ago
First Mordecaï, and now Rakkura... Noah, you a gift for pissing Gods off. Now, it's time to go in the belly of the beast... again. Well, in Rakkura's belly, Mordecaï already had his fun.

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