Voligne - 4 years ago
I mean, for him it might as well be a curse. I heard a story of a person who gave themselves immortality. They could never be killed. So their enemies sealed them into the concrete foundation of a skyscraper.
There are worse things in the world then to die, especially if you dont have the power to fight off your oppressors. Whats the point of living if every minute of every day from now until the heat death of the universe will be pure agony?
Lev4ik3yt - 2 years ago
Поэтому и произошла трагедия 11 сентября?
Marshall ALFOST - 4 years ago
Did you really think that you can get away this easily, Noah?
Mike_who_knows - 4 years ago
Lev4ik3yt - 2 years ago
Хз, я ьы был ОЧЕНЬ рад бессметрию. Просто нужно любить жизнь, вот и всё!
Kasra - 4 years ago