Arrox - 4 years ago
Did this page break you? :3
Toska - 4 years ago
This was worth it, it gives us as much of a backstory impression as a whole extra chapter would have. :> It comes on as dear and uncomfortable at once, and I didn't recognize the red snake for what they were until their text. I'm not sure if the middle face is Noah's sister or mother, but maybe they're similar enough that it doesn't matter.
MechaDragon - 4 years ago
That cat looks oddly like mort,wonder if there is a connection.
Travelingbird - 3 years ago
I thought the whole story happened in ancient times.
Lev4ik3yt - 2 years ago
Я Тоже!
Lev4ik3yt - 2 years ago
Я думал это всё было в древние времена, когда ходили легенды. Лол
Kasra - 4 years ago