Down the Hatch - Chapter 4: 130

The script has that Mort flicks Noah in the forehead, but I opted for more of a poke because a legit flick might kill him ... lol

DuneAnderson Avatar
DuneAnderson - 4 years ago
Flick and the head is gone XD

archteryx Avatar
archteryx - 4 years ago
HI. My Name's Chloe. Let's you and me wrestle. ( Obscure reference, I know. ) Last thing you remember is getting fed through a biological rock crusher, you wake up and that SAME set of jaws is looming over you. I'd probably start in with the Japanese Schoolgirl Scream at that point.

EmbarssedFox Avatar
EmbarssedFox - 4 years ago
I like how Mort looks at this immortality with just mild amusement

thecloud Avatar
thecloud - 4 years ago
My guess is that Mort, who let Noah out of his stomach for it, exactly knew what Power Noah had had in his possesion and then later gained for himself. Mabye he ate him that brutally because he wanted to know for sure as fast as possible (he likes live prey more) and was disappointed at first because by the looks of Noah's really dead skull, it seemed to had failed

D-Rock Avatar
D-Rock - 4 years ago
Nightmare was real, Noah.

RagTagDemon Avatar
RagTagDemon - 4 years ago
time for a second trip I'm assuming- rip noah

IVAnonymousVI Avatar
IVAnonymousVI - 4 years ago
Can’t wait for the next page

Sabin Astralis Avatar
Sabin Astralis - 4 years ago
Blessings my friend. As it seems our story take similarities. Tho far from eachother, key situations remain similar. How fascinating indeed.

FableReader Avatar
FableReader - 4 years ago
What is your story called, and where can it be read?

Josh Avatar
Josh - 4 years ago
What does it matter if a flick can kill him? He's immortal now

Lev4ik3yt Avatar
Lev4ik3yt - 2 years ago
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